Rail Freight Transportation in India

Vaaps Care Lines Logistics is rail cargo service and management solution provider in Chennai, India. As a reliable Railway logistics service provider, we can offer a smart way of conveying your freight from one to another place where the railway had reached.  We know our responsibility and committed to managing your rail shipping with robust internal logistics based on the client’s business needs and demand. We have helped hundreds of firms and individual clients in managing their railway freight in a seamless and cost-effective manner. Through our service, we ensure that your goods reach to desired locations safely within the stipulated time.

Benefits of Taking Railway Transport Services

What are the advantages of rail freight logistics?

Rail is a great solution for pre-planned long-hauls, and moving from OTR to rail could benefit your supply chain in several ways. Guaranteed capacity, gas emissions, and the aging generation of drivers are the main issues many logistics professionals face. Using rail transportation for your freight can help solve some of these problems.

More investments in rail infrastructure are increasing the safety and efficiency of rail transportation. Rail offers a higher safety level because of less human involvement and the absence of highway congestion.

Although the transit time will be longer, shipping via railcar can be cheaper than OTR. The rail can help reduce costs, especially on your long-hauls and cross-country runs. A good part of this savings is due to less fuel being used per ton-mile of cargo being hauled.

New technology innovations in rail transportation are at the peak of development. Automation, modern railway systems, big data, IoT and artificial intelligence are all new tools impacting rail transportation. For example, the automated system. VAAPS CARE LINES is already used by 83.2% of the required Class I route miles nationwide

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